The recreational piscary of Möhkönkoski rapids
The recreational piscary of Möhkönkoski rapids
The frothy Möhkönkoski rapids offer recreational fishers a fishing site that is easy to reach and beautiful to see. Catching-sized rainbow trout is planted into the rapids, and those fishing with a rod might also catch trout, European whitefish, pike or perch. Within immediate vicinity of the rapids are the copious and varied tourism services of Möhkö village.
Fishing in the rapids is allowed with a recreational fishing permit. The permits are available at the Logging site café Möhkön Manta as well as at the sporting goods stores in downtown Ilomantsi and the Neste service station. Everyone over the age of 18 and under 65 also have to pay the fisheries management fee. The fisheries management fee alone does not permit you to fish at a recreational piscary.
Allowed fishing methods are fly fishing and trolling. Angling is expressly forbidden in the Möhkönkoski rapids and all fishing is forbidden during trout spawning season, from September 1 until November 30. Trout with an adipose fin is protected all year long and the minimum length of caught lake trout without adipose fins is 50 centimetres. The rainbow trout has no minimum length of catching.